What's new at the Book?

November 16, 2015 * Added my entry to the 2015 Royal Academy Of Bards Halloween Invitational. It's a Mel and Janice Halloween Story titled "Who's Jack". My thanks go once again to Norsebard for proof-reading, and of course to the Academy for the invite :)

July 14, 2014 * If you've already read Crazed Ramblings, I encourage you to go back to the very ending, where I've hidden a little easter egg. Be warned it's not exactly G-rated.
If you haven't read the story yet, what are you waiting for? ;)

July 12, 2014 * I never thought I'd say this, but the conclusion of Crazed Ramblings is now up and ready for your perusal. Yes, it is finished! Special thanks to Norsebard for giving it a once-over.

July 2, 2014 * Part 5 of Crazed Ramblings is now complete. Part 6 is in the making. This might be the final part.

June 10, 2014 * Added a few paragraphs to part 5 of Crazed Ramblings. Still not complete, but the plot thickens....

September 08, 2013 * Long time coming: a small addition to part 5 of Crazed Ramblings. Still not complete.

June 20, 2013 * Added the first half of part 5 of Crazed Ramblings. It's not complete; bits of it might change before the part is complete.

April 21, 2013 * Fixed some minor inconsistencies in previous parts of Crazed Ramblings

March 13, 2013 * Part 4 of the rewrite of "Crazed Ramblings" is up! This part also contains new content - the section is now complete.

February 26, 2013 * Part 3 of the rewrite of "Crazed Ramblings" is back up.

February 20, 2013 * After it's been gathering dust for ten years, I finally dug this up and finished it: Birthday Bard - the 17th TellMe-Story. Post-FIN, if that still makes a difference after all this time. The girls, of course, have their own way of dealing with stuff *G*

August 16, 2012 * Part 2 of the rewrite of "Crazed Ramblings" is back up.

August 13, 2012 * I decided to try and get Isabelle an Xena of "Crazed Ramblings" out of that corner I wrote them into over a decade ago. No promises yet, but I have started by taking down all the parts for a slight rewrite. Part 1 is back up.

July 23, 2012 * Added the Xena Online Community to the links section

February 17, 2012 * Updated/weeded out the links section

May 02, 2009 * Cleaned out a few dead links. There were less than I feared, which makes me happy.
* I hear that people are still getting enjoyment out of my old stories. This also makes me happy :)

April 15, 2008 * Nearly ten years ago, a friend made my first little website for me, holding "Possibilities" and the first chapter or so of "The Warrior, The Witch and the Nightmare", back then titled something terribly goofy that I won't repeat :). I've learned much about making websites (and hopefully about writing) since, and I'm only glad you can't see my first hesitant steps anymore - heh. Ahhh, the memories. (the counter was reset during one of my moves, in case you're wondering.)

July 30, 2007 * Xandra's Model, our ill-tempered but well-loved cat Cilli, passed away today, at the age of nearly 20 years. She was with us for more than half my life; my parents' house won't be the same without her.

August 9, 2006 * Added a somewhat older short story to Original: Survivor - Trading Places
* Yah, still here. Not writing though, sad to say. Don't let this update fool you.

March 22, 2006 * Thanks all who have tried my guest book - I assure you I read each and every entry =)
* Cleaned up the links section and removed broken links

December 14, 2005 * The guestbook is fixed. Hooray for speedy customer support! =) Why don't y'all give it a test to make sure?

December 13, 2005 * There is a glitch in my guestbook and I've had to disable it for the time being. I hope the error is fixed soon. Happy Holidays to you all!

April 19, 2005 * Ahem... repeating myself but apologizing again for the lack of new content...
* Added a link to ICQ2Go to the Links/Chat section. It's a web version so there is no need to install any software (except for the required plugin, I'm afraid)

January 10, 2005 * Happy New Year everyone! Sorry, I haven't really been inclined to write lately... just dropping in to let you all know I haven't forgotten about this site! :o)

Old News

October 21, 2004 * Added a link to Roselle Graskey's Website. (Click on the hyperlink or go to the "Bards" category on my Links page)

October 14, 2004 * Houston, we have a lift-off! Welcome to my redsigned site! Let me know if you have any trouble navigating

October 4, 2004 * Added a link to the "That Girl Band" homepage. Check them out! (Click on the hyperlink or go to the "Others" category on the Links page)

September 28, 2004 * The rewrite of Worlds Apart, Book 1: Below is now complete! Do keep in mind that this is a draft.

August 30, 2004 * Added to the rewrite of Worlds Apart, Book 1: Below.

August 5, 2004 * Added the prologue and first chapter of the rewrite of Worlds Apart, Book 1: Below. This is original fiction, featuring original characters with an original background. In short, this is not fan fiction anymore, but ALL MINE! Okay, and Katia's too, as she wrote it with me <G>.

June 24, 2004 * The Guild Of Tales, my chat room, has received a facelift. Go to SpinCHAT to get one for your own website, if you like!

Deutsche Stories & Übersetzungen

Obwohl die meisten dieser Geschichten für alle Leser geeignet sein dürften (FSK 6 oder 13), behandeln einige vielleicht Themen, die nicht dem allgemeinen Geschmack entsprechen. Um ganz sicher zu gehen, schaut Euch bitte den Disclaimer jeder Geschichte genau an, bevor Ihr Euch entscheidet, sie zu lesen.

Alte Kriegerinnen... Sind Knackiger  mit Kamouraskan and Lariel,  ALT
("Old Warriors Never Die, They Just...")
Diese "alte" Komödie entstand während meines letzten Kurzurlaubes in England, wo ich mit Kam und Lariel zusammentraf. Bleibt nur zu hoffen, daß Euch das Lesen genausoviel Spaß macht, wie uns das Schreiben dieses Stückes! ;-)
Die symbi-Schriftrolle  GEN
Nicht viel zu erzählen, denke ich. Dies ist wieder mal ein alberner Ausflug ins Skurrile, und einzig und allein die Schuld von symbiont, vom Deutschen Fan-Fiction Archiv, symbiont.de (inzwischen bibliotheca.de). Das "Challenge" gab es nämlich wirklich...
Verrath's Tür  ALT
("The Door")
Diese kleine Szene entstand als Teil eines Tributes an symbiont, unser aller Archiv-Wurm ;-)
Die Hantel Ist Mächtiger... oder:Joxers Dilemma  ALT
("The Dumbbell Is Mightier...")
Joxer steckt in einigen Schwierigkeiten, und stört damit unser dynamisches Duo AUSGERECHNET beim täglichen Training. Entstanden für das "Hantel-Challenge" eines Xena-Dinners vor langer Zeit...
Perspektiven  ALT
Gabrielle wird bei einem Kampf schwer verletzt. Gar seltsame Dinge geschehen, wenn man einen Schlag auf den Kopf bekommt. ;-) Dies ist die erste Xena-Story, die ich jemals gepostet habe - ein echtes Museumsstück und vom stilistischen her sicherlich ausbaufähig...
Gerädert  ALT, oder so
Was soll ich über DIESE Geschichte sagen? Ich glaube nicht, daß Ihr sie lesen solltet, wirklich nicht. Jedenfalls war ich ziemlich gerädert, als mir diese Idee gekommen ist.
Die Titelgrafik dazu gibt's hier

Die TellMe-Serie - Die Abenteuer von Sina und Gabi

Eine Serie von Kurzgeschichten voller Kindheits-Abenteuer und der blühenden Phantasie zweier kleiner Mädchen. Geeignet für Kinder jeden Alters! ;-)

Erzähl's Mir, Gabrielle!  GEN
("Tell Me, Gabrielle!")
Katapulte und Riesen halten Sina und Gabi auf dem Weg zur Schule auf. Nur Xena, die Kriegerprinzessin kann hier helfen - aber Argos Räder rutschen auf dem Schotter immer wieder weg...
Mir Ist Langweilig, Gabrielle  GEN
("I'm Bored, Gabrielle")
Sina kann es kaum erwarten, bis Gabis Stubenarrest vorbei ist. Aber es ist ja sooo schwierig, geduldig zu sein...
Was Ist Denn Mit Der Sonne Los?  GEN
("What's With The Sun?")
Sina und Gabi müssen alle ihre Freunde zusammentrommeln um die Menschheit vor einer schrecklichen Katastrophe zu retten. Vorlage für diese Geschichte ist ein Kinderbuch von Ruth A. Sonneborn mit dem Titel "Jemand frißt die Sonne auf".
Bettgeflüster  GEN
("Pillow Talk")
Tiefgreifende Gespräche und eine Kissenschlacht.
Wir Haben Ihn, Gabrielle!  GEN
("We Got Him, Gabrielle!")
Ein schlechter Horrorstreifen aus den 50er Jahren und seine Folgen.
Sommer-Sklavenlager  GEN
("Summe Slave Camp")
Endlich Sommer! Alle freuen sich auf das bevorstehende Sommerlager, nur Sina findet, daß das ganze ohne die Aufsicht der neuen Sportlehrerin viel lustiger wäre.
Sommer-Sklavenlager II - Sklavenjagd  GEN
("Summer Slave Camp II - Slave Hunt")
Ein furchtloses Team von Abenteurern sucht nach einem verschollenen Schatz, während eine zerknirschte kleine Kriegerprinzessin in der Küche schuften muß. Vielleicht bringen ja die Aktivitäten am Nachmittag einige Überraschungen...
nach oben